I am sure we would all like to see the Netflix Defenders characters move over to Disney+ and we just might get it. Recently a lot of rumors have been floating around the internet that Charlie Cox (DareDevil) and Jon Bernthal (Punisher) may be in the works to reprise their respective roles. More recently, there have been some rumors of Iron Fist and Jessica Jones coming back as well. While Krysten Ritter is rumored to reprise her role, Finn Jones may be replaced as the immortal Iron Fist. If all this turns out to be true, that still leaves a lonely Luke Cage hanging out in the wind. Is Disney + the answer though?

It would be great if all these shows come back with the actors/actresses reprising their roles, but will it be the same shows we loved on Netflix? According to Forbes, Disney+ has stated that they will not showcase any R rated shows/movies on its platform and this could cause an audience/fan issue. Without Disney allowing these shows to be as dark and violent s they were it may not live up to how good they were on Netflix. Why bring them back if they aren’t going to get the love and attention fans want?

Disney also owns about 60% of the rights in Hulu according to Wikipedia and this could be a better platform for these series going forward. Disney could keep the shows as wholesome as they were on Netflix and keep from having a “fan outrage issue” over the changes it would inevitably see by being on the PG13 and under platform Disney + is slated to be.

The platform may not be the only hurdle Disney has with bringing back the beloved Defenders. The bigger issue is will the staff that was behind the cameras be returning as well? The writing, directing, music, etc. that went into these shows are a big part of what made them as good as they were. Disney will either need to bring these crews back or be able to replicate it in some fashion.

Disney has done with the MCU and has let Kevin Feige and his team do what they need to in order to make that universe so great. Lets up they put the same type of time and thought into these shows as well. Nothing would make me happier than see a Defenders and Avengers crossover in the future. Even if it is as small as Matt Murdoch defending a poor Peter Parker in court.

What are your thoughts on the future of the Defender shows? What platform do you think they belong on? Let us know over on Facebook or Twitter.