What is the best superpower? This is a question that anyone at any age has asked friends, family, etc. to make conversation. It’s a question that has been used in many trivia or “know your partner” type board games. How does one even choose the best superpower? Is there even a correct answer?

While the question is a matter of opinion to most, there is essentially only one superpower that one would need and thus makes it the best. That superpower is teleportation. I am sure some of you are shaking your heads at the moment, saying things like “Nope, flight is better” or “invisibility trumps teleportation any day.” Well, I am here to tell you you are wrong, and here is why.

Why would you need the power of flight if you have teleportation? Instead of wasting time flying to your destination you could teleport there in the blink of an eye. What if you crash into something while flying? you most certainly would plummet to your death. With teleportation, you are immediately transported to your destination without leaving the ground. Wouldn’t it be great to travel the world without wasting time in transit?

Those of you arguing for invisibility may argue that you could just sneak onto a plane, train, bus, etc. and get to where you want to go, but again, it is wasting time in transit. You could argue that traveling isn’t the reason for choosing invisibility. That the reason you chose this superpower is that you want to be incognito and/or sneaky. Teleportation can do the same thing, you could easily teleport to be sneaky or unseen.

Lastly, teleportation has other uses. One could teleport out of trouble if it arises. If you are stuck in a sticky situation teleport out of it. There is nothing you can’t do that teleportation can not solve in some fashion. So, teleportation wins when it comes to the best superpower.

Don’t agree with me? Do you have another superpower that is better? Let me know on Facebook or Twitter. If you like topics like this, check our podcast.