We are 2 weeks away from The Rise of the Skywalker. The closing movie in this trilogy and will finally put the Skywalker saga to bed. Even though we are near the end of another trilogy we have very little to go with on exactly how things will end. So that leaves us, the fans, to speculate what is going to happen.

I have seen theories that Rey is going to end up being Kylo Rens sibling and they will both end up alive and well. They will restore balance to the force and live on to restore the Jedi Order. Yeah, that doesn’t really work for me because Kylo Ren seems to only know of Rey because she is force sensitive starting in the Force Awakens. Then they find her with BB-8 on Jakku. So, if this person was his sister wouldn’t he have tried to find her before the events of the Force Awakens?

Another theory that I have heard for The Rise of Skywalker is Rey will turn out to be Shmi Skywalker stuck in a time loop. Which doesn’t make a lot of sense, because this is a while after the death of Darth Vader. I would guess the time period is between 20 or 30 years after Return of the Jedi. I didn’t really care for this theory either.

The one theory that I did like, besides my own, is that Rey was born of the force. That Palpatine, as he did so with Anakin, manipulates the force so that Rey is born. Which is why her parents hide her on Jakku and leave her there. That would be a better theory than her being Shmi Skywalker. Wouldn’t she have remembered that she was one of the best Jedi in the galaxy before having Anakin?

Anyways, that leads me to my theory now that I’ve covered some of the ones that I have heard. We are now in the final installment of this trilogy and have followed these characters through 2 other films. Rey and Kylo Ren are the last two remaining Jedi (we will say). Kylo Ren works with the First Order, and Rey is with the resistance. Rey has spent the first two movies trying to find her place in this adventure. She wants someone to train her, someone to work with her and teach her the force. She has been trying to find acceptance this whole time.

Which brings me to my theory. If we remember from the prequel trilogy Anakin wants to be trained and to become a Jedi. He wants to be on the Jedi council. He then falls in love and does other things that he swore not to do as a Jedi. He was angry and just hell-bent on being the best. He felt like he was being held back. Sound familiar? Rey is angry, she is lost she doesn’t have a place in this adventure except being force-sensitive and without a lot of training. She is starting to grow angry, she yearns to be something greater than what she is.

My theory is that Palpatine was using Kylo Ren because of that Skywalker blood. He wanted him to be the next Darth Vader, but he had to persuade Kylo Ren to join the Darkside. Kylo Ren is torn as we have seen, even though he killed Han Solo he hasn’t been able to fully commit to the Darkside of the force. Once the two confront Palpatine/Sidious Kylo Ren will realize it was all a play for him to bring Rey to the Emperor. Rey will be drawn to the Darkside of the force and turn on Kylo Ren. I believe that with Kylo Ren is going to transition to the light side, he either injures Rey or kills her. Once he is betrayed by Sidious, Kylo Ren will be the titled “Rise of the Skywalker”.

What are your thoughts and theories about the final installment of this Skywalker Trilogy? Let me know over on twitter @reielys1280. If you like this article check out some of my other ones here.