Kevin Smith’s latest movie “Jay and Silent Bob Reboot” is a great addition to the View Askewniverse lineup. I have followed Smith’s career since Clerks was released in 1994 and still proclaim that Mallrats is the best film in the entire View Askewniverse. Maybe that is because I am from Jersey and hanging out in local malls was a thing Jersey kids used to do. I have also attended several of Kevin Smith’s QAs and talks. The most recent being at Atlantic Cinemas in Atlantic Highlands, NJ. If you have never seen Kevin Smith live and are even the tiniest bit of a fan, you don’t know what you’re missing as none of his shows were disappointing.

Now that I am done jerking off the New Jersey legend, I can begin to write about my thoughts on the film.

As of the writing of this article, I have watched the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot 3 times.  Each time I watch it I find more callbacks, jokes, and deep cuts that reference earlier works of Smith’s. For example, one that some might miss is the double-fisting coffee drinker that has appeared in the background of other Smith films. While the character has no speaking lines, the fact that he was included at all gave me a little chuckle. Well played Kevin Smith.. A lot of little things like this are sprinkled throughout the film. 

Smith’s play on himself, friends, family, etc., is another great highlight of the movie. When it comes to poking fun at himself, nothing is taboo. In the film, each of these jokes hits perfectly, from making fun of his vegan diet, his weight, and recent heart attack to his troubles with Southwest Airlines and his True North movies (Tusk and Yoga Hosiers), nothing is off-limits to give viewers a good laugh. 

Smith’s daughter, Harley Quinn Smith, and her band of misfits are some of the newest characters to the universe and are break out stars. While I enjoyed Yoga Hosiers starring his youngling, her time in this latest film that blew me away. The young actress was able to hit all the right notes and hit every emotion.  If you don’t shed a tear with her during this movie, then you might want to be checked out for being a psychopath.

Smith definitely hits it home with long-time fans, but newer fans to the franchise may want to go back and check out some of Smith’s other films. While Jay and Silent Bob Reboot is still sure to please, it’s much better when you understand all of the references. 

The film overall felt like Smith was wrapping up and closing this universe and was for the fans, giving them one last ride with Jay and Silent Bob. If that was the thought going into this movie, it is apparently not the result that came out of it. During his tour to promote the film, “Jay and Silent Bob Roadshow,” Smith announced that Clerks 3 and Mallrats 2 have been greenlit by the powers that be at Universal.

While it may be a while before we get the next two films, I am sure I can entertain myself by reliving all the old movies and will certainly watch Jay and Silent Bob Reboot at least three more times. 

Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes are still out promoting the movie on the “Jay and Silent Bob Roadshow” tour. While I was unable to attend at Asbury Park (because it was sold out in seconds), I urge you all to check it out. You can find dates on the tour website or by clicking here.

If you want to purchase a signed copy of the DVD check out “Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash” website or its brick and mortar store in Red Bank, NJ. If you do stop in, be sure to check out all the props from Smith’s movies and you just might run into some familiar faces from AMC’s Comic Book Men.

For more of Nerd Caster’s take on Jay and Silent Bob Reboot check out our latest Podcast “Trailer Talk“.