On May 19th, 2019 was the final episode of Game of Thrones: Season 8 episode 6. This was it this was everything we’ve been waiting for. All that time we’ve spent on the couch or bed or chair or whatever you were sitting on for the past eight years. It all came down to the GoT finale. So, how did I take it? I’m still trying to soak everything up and take it all in that’s it’s finished it’s no more it’s done, dead and gone. Well in the film anyway, Looking at you George R. R. Martin. For a final season that felt rushed I’m not going to lie. I honestly didn’t hate the ending. I thought it was fitting. Now my biggest gripe would be the way Cersei died. I get the symbolism of it all like the weight of the castle that she cared so much for came crashing down on her still beating heart. Killing her and her unborn baby.  But let’s be honest, we all wanted to see her burn at the stake.

Let’s talk about how Drogon just let Jon Snow walk on by with a sniff test. I get that Drogon trusted Jon Snow so that’s why he was able to give him the ol’ slip. I guess the talk with Tyrion pushed Jon in the right direction to do what needed to be done. Danny started to become like the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen. She started out being the breaker of chains and freeing men, women, and children to burn men, women, and children. At first glance the blade that Jon stabbed her with what kind of looked like “needle” Arya’s sword. The thought crossed my mind that maybe Arya was able to sneak by using the “many face god”. But then again Drogon did approve with the sniff test so there goes my theory. I’m assuming some time has passed since the events. Tyrion and Jon are both prisoners of the unsullied. The Lords of the Seven Kingdoms all gathered to kind of elect a new King. At one point, Samuel tosses around the idea of a Democratic election process. Solid idea but we all know how electoral votes go. So Tyrion makes a rousing speech as to how Bram should be King of the Seven Kingdoms or Six Kingdoms, Dammit Sansa having to be all difficult and shit. Anyway, all hail BRAM THE BROKEN. King of the six kingdoms.