The PlayStation Classic

As we all know the PlayStation Classic had a rough debut. At launch, it was selling for $100.00. Now you can grab one of these for around $40.00. The reason being is that these obviously didn’t sell that well.  The lack of games and titles that people really wanted didn’t come with the system. Not to mention that most of the games were set for PAL and not even running at 60fps. Also, Sony, wtf man, why not wireless controllers? I know…I know… it’s the PS Classic and the controllers on the original were wired. But for $100.00 you could have at least made them wireless.

Anyway, now with certain hacks like BleemSync or AutoBleem these once terrible little machines are actually kind of awesome. I will admit AutoBleem is the easiest (to me) to use. Yannick Bélanger makes some pretty amazing images that he has up on the Arcade Punks website. A short list of instructions for you: download an image or make one and get a 64gb or 128gb USB drive. Now people have said that certain drives work better than others or some don’t work at all. The method that seems to work best to get these up and running with two working controllers and any USB drive seems to be the power mod method. You don’t need to solder if your soldering skills aren’t great. You can get away with using a conductive ink pen; I and others have success with this method.

With these hacks, you can add your own PSX games and then add whatever games you want ranging from Genesis, NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, 32X, Dreamcast (only a few games) TG16 and so on. It’s basically a Raspberry Pi 3b+. Now we here at Nerd Caster don’t condone piracy but also, you do you. Honestly, this little system has been turned into something great thanks to an amazing community and everyone should check it out.