All over social media, it appears that everyone is waiting on the edge of their seats for the Overwatch Role Queue and Sigma patches to drop. It won’t be much longer as the new role queue feature for quick play and competitive modes will be released next week on August 13th. It is not known yet if Overwatch’s newest character Sigma will also be part of the same update.

The new role queue feature will allow players to choose a role before entering a match. Once that role is chosen, the player will enter a queue to be matched with other players looking to fill the other roles. Each party will consist of 2 Tanks, 2 Supports, and 2 DPS roles. Once all roles are filled, the player will then be able to choose a character from their chosen role. For instance, if a player chooses to play the DPS class, they will wait until the Tank and support roles are filled before entering a match. Once in the match, the DPS player can only pick from DPS characters like Tracer or Sombra. The player then must play DPS for the entire match and can only change characters in the DPS class during the match but will not be able to change classes until the match finishes.

This new role queue feature has been requested by many for a long while. The role queue will make it easier for players who specialize in a single class to be able to choose their character of choice without having another player lock the character first. This new method of character choosing will also kill the GOATS comp. This strategy was plaguing the professional scene making hard for fans of the Overwatch League (OWL) enjoy watching and thus causing a decline in viewers. Role queue has been in PTR for some time and has bought back some Twitch streamers to the game who had previously lost interest.

As for Overwatch’s newest character, it is still unknown if he will drop in the same patch on August 13th. At that point, he will be in PTR for roughly 3 weeks and that is usually about how long Blizzard holds them in the test environment before releasing to the live servers. If they follow the same pattern as they have, this patch could give the fans a lot to play with when it drops. If not, he will most likely be released the following week.

What are you most looking forward to? The role queue or the new character Sigma? Who is your favorite OW character? Let us know over on Facebook or Twitter. For more Nerd Caster articles, click here.