In just a few days Blizzcon 2019 will kick off and the rumors surrounding Overwatch 2 (that’s what we are calling it for the sake of this article). can be put to rest. I, for one, am hoping that most of these rumors are true. It is exciting to see a game like Overwatch evolve and update with the times to fit what fans and players are looking for. This “new” version of Overwatch will likely take what everyone loved about the current version of the game and expand on that.
One of the biggest rumors (via ESPN) surrounding the installment of the game is that it will contain multiple playable modes. The one that has me excited is the PvE events. PvE or Player vs Environment mode will give the fans of Junkensteins Revenge more to look forward too. Instead of having to wait until the Junkenstein event around Halloween each year, players will have this type of game mode all the time.
Another big rumor ESPN leaked is that Echo will be hero 32. Echo was last seen in the Ashe/McRee animated short that was released earlier this year. She is an AI that seems to be worth a lot to Ashe and possibly Talon (maybe?). Why she is so important though still remains a mystery. What makes this rumor appear to be a little more legit, even after ESPN removed their tweet, is that some of the gear on Blizzard’s website features the hero (see image below) as reported by Polygon.

OW Gear
The one thing that we have not heard much about in recent days though is expanded lore in the form of an animated short. Early on reports were more than certain a new short would be released at Blizzcon to give fans more background on the characters and the elite group known as Overwatch. Hopefully, we still get a animated feature as these are some of my favorite parts surrounding the Overwatch game.
It is also unknown if Overwatch 2 will be a separate purchase, a free/expansion download to the current game, or an entirely new game altogether. Either way, I will be playing the game day one no matter how Blizzard plans to release the new “game.” What are your thoughts on the new Overwatch news? What are you looking forward to at Blizzcon 2019? Let us know over on Twitter or Facebook.
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