General Producer of the Nintendo Switch, Toshiaki Koizumi, announced this week that a new version of the Nintendo Switch is to drop this fall on September 20, 2019. The new version of the Switch is aptly named Nintendo Switch Lite and will come in 3 different colors

  • Grey
  • Yellow
  • Turquoise 

The new Nintendo Switch Lite is primarily aimed for mobile gamers. It will weigh slightly less than the original Switch as the Joy-Con controllers will not be removable and instead will be one solid unit. The new device will also be unable to connect to televisions. Without the ability to share controllers or connect to a TV, the device is really geared towards on the move gaming.

The built-in controls also lack some other features like HD rumble and IR sensors which creates some small compatibility issues. If you want to use motion controls to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Let’s Go, or play a game like 1-2 Switch that relies on them, you’ll need to make an additional purchase of a set of Joy-Con controllers.

Switch Lite Features

Even though the Switch Lite lacks some of the great features of the original Switch, it does have some other promising qualities. The first being the price will be $100 less than the full-featured Switch and will cost $200, roughly the same price a 3DS was when it was new. The Switch Lite will feature a 720p aspect ratio on its 5.5” display.  The display is the same aspect ration but is slightly smaller than the 6.2” display of the original. Another great feature is that the battery life is said to last 30 minutes longer than its predecessor, at 7 hours vs 6.5. Lastly, it is stated that the D-pad on the lite version is to be more reliable and sturdier than the original’s D-pad.

All in all, the new Switch Lite is a welcome addition to the Nintendo family. The lower price makes it easier for current Switch owners to purchase a Lite version as the two devices are fully compatible making co-op gaming even easier and less expensive. It also gives each player their own screen and full functioning controllers, rather than splitting the Joy Cons between players. It also allows you to keep the original Switch connected to the T.V. while using the Lite version on the go.

For the few who do not have a Switch and are on the fence, this new price point may allow them to make the commitment to buying one. While it lacks some of the features, newcomers can still play all their favorite Nintendo games.