First and foremost, Happy New Year and thank you to all our family, friends, and fans! Without you, Nerd Caster would not have been so successful in reaching our 2019 goals!

A lot has happened for Nerd Caster during 2019 with the addition of new team members, reaching episode 100 of our podcast, and shattering our 2018 downloads. We also moved the studio to a new location, and honestly, it has been a lot more work than expected to get it all set up. We are, in fact, still working to get all the kinks ironed out.  With that being said, we are working tirelessly to get it done and to bring you the content, news, and opinions you expect and enjoy consuming from our brand. Don’t worry though, the wait will be over soon.

As we are now in 2020, there are big plans for Nerd Caster in the upcoming months. We plan to bring more content to our readers and listeners each and will work to improve the quality of all of it. We are also working to move to better/newer equipment/software/etc. for the podcast as well a possibly reach more people by being on even more mediums to listen to it. Who knows, maybe this year we will finally be able to get our show into the video and live mediums this year. It is all a work in progress and we continue to strive to make it better.

Keep a lookout we will be back with new shows, articles, and more in the next few days. For the most up-to-date news follow us on Facebook and Twitter and don’t forget to subscribe to the show on your favorite platforms like Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Spotify, or Stitcher.

As always, please check out our friends at The Geekery. They are our goto place for all things Comics, trade paperbacks, Funko Pops and more. So if you are in the Monmouth/Ocean counties of New Jersey they are just a hop skip jump away!