We are only a day away from the final two episodes of the CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earth’s crossover event. I know it has been a long wait, and I know that this article should have come out a while ago, but I wanted to make sure we got it out at least before the last two episodes air tomorrow night on the CW. I mean what can I say except so far, the crossover event his year has fallen flat, there has been very little to keep me interested. Even though this story is epic I feel like the shows could have captured it better.

The one thing that I am happy with is that Brandon Routh could have not had a better moment as Superman. Yeah, I know Superman Returns isn’t the greatest movie ever made but being able to canonically continue Christopher Reeve character from 1978 portraying it in 2006 and now as the Kingdom Come version of Superman. How amazing is that? I mean I was expecting him to just show up and have a couple one liner’s and be gone, kind of like how they did with Tom Welling. He has been a part of the story and I think that we will see him show back up near the end.

You could say that I have enjoyed all the fan service, even the Welling moment. Even though it did nothing for Smallville it did give Clark one possible ending that he always wanted. The next biggest thing I would have to say comes from Kevin Conroy and John Wesley Shipp. Watching them get to portray characters that they have had connections with since the early 90’s is what dreams are certainly made of. Hearing Conroy speak those lines as a live-action Bruce Wayne, makes you wish that the CW will sign him to guest appear and be on Batwoman. John Wesley Shipp I know will be around on the Flash until he wants to stop. He has been several different characters on the show, none of them more meaningful to me than the Barry Allen character from the 90’s Flash show.

As I said above my problem with the crossover this time is that the focus on the fan service and all the guest appearances feels like it has taken away from the writing and to me that really hurts this event. The Crisis on Infinite Earth Books were huge for DC. This show should have been in a way bigger format. I mean there should have been a way bigger lead-in, and there shouldn’t have been so much focus on who could come back and reprise roles from 20-30 years ago. Focus on what you have in front of you and moving forward. Don’t let your current fans down. Yes, the fan service the guest appearances all of that to me is great, but make sure you focus on the huge story that you have and make sure it gets portrayed the way it should be on screen.

With that being said, I am looking forward to seeing how it ends, there are rumors out there that we haven’t seen the last of the Supermen. I’ve heard there will be 3 Supermen taking to the skies along with Supergirl in the finale episode. I mean this is all just rumor at this point. I mean judging by the last trailer things are going to get worse before they get better. It’s going to be a wild ride and I can’t wait to see it.

My final thoughts here is going to be a summary of where we last left our heroes. As you know the team has been looking for Paragons that have been foretold to stop the coming crisis. Well, the team found all 8 of them and are now stuck outside of time. Unfortunately, one of those Paragons has been replaced by Lex Luthor. Brandon Routh’s Superman was replaced by Lex Luthor when the team first arrives at the vanishing point. Tomorrow January 14th on the CW at 8 Eastern 7 Central we will see Part Four with Arrow, and then Part 5 after it with the first episode of the new season of Legends of Tomorrow.

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